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young professionals series: 

A Guide to Build your Own Financial Plan

Event Information: 

Date: Wednesday, February 7th

Time: 1:00 - 1:30 p.m.

Location: Zoom - Register to Receive Link

Brennan McCarthy, CFP® is an expert working with millennials to simplify and organize their families' lives. By creating a financial plan and monitoring/reviewing it on a regular basis, he's learned that his clients' financial outcomes are substantially improved over time. He works to identify their financial goals and priorities, build out their financial picture, and identify (and implement!) the financial opportunities that exist in order to maximize the wealth picture. 

However, the longer Brennan has been in the financial planning business working with millennials, the more he's learned that not everybody is interested (or has the financial resources!) to work with an advisor like himself. 

This webinar will be insightful for millennials looking to build a financial plan foundation for themselves and their family. Attendees will get a unique opportunity to look "under the hood" of what's involved in building a financial plan, and give them the chance to ask a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER those important questions with no obligation.